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Dual Citizenship Austrian Law

Austrian Citizenship - Austrian Citizenship Law

Requirements to obtain Austrian citizenship, Requirements for naturalisation in Austria, Austrian Citizenship Act (1985, Staatsbürgerschaftsgesetz, StbG)

Nationality law in the Republic of Austria is based on the principle of jus sanguinis. This means that one usually acquires Austrian citizenship if a parent is Austrian.

To obtain Austrian citizenship itself by application, the usual requirements are:

  1. Continuous legal residence: Basically ten years’ continuous residence in Austria.
  2. Clear criminal record / No previous convictions for crimes.
  3. No ban on residence / no pending procedure to revoke the leave. No refusal of a visa to reside in Austria.
  4. The applicant’s conduct to date must show a positive attitude to Austria and that he/she is not a danger for the peace or security of the public.
  5. Financially secure / Proof of sufficient means of subsistence.
  6. Positive attitude towards the Republic of Austria / Relationship with any other state is not of such a nature as to jeopardise the interests of the Republic of Austria.
  7. Take suitable steps for giving up any foreign citizenship.
  8. Knowledge of the democratic system and history of Austria. Proof of German language skills

Waiver of requirements - Special value to Austria

As mentioned, both the residence requirement (1. above) and renunciation of any foreign citizenship (7. above) may be waived in cases where the Austrian government certifies that the grant of citizenship is in the particular interests of the Republic of Austria in view of outstanding services which the foreigner has already provided and is expected to provide to Austria (this usually applies to sports champions, businesspeople, scientists, artists etc.).

> Find more information about Austrian Citizenship & Residence Permits here.

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Law Articles - Austrian Citizenship Act: How to obtain Austrian citizenship. Austrian Citizenship - Austrian Citizenship Law .