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Practical tip: Securely carry out a property transaction in Austria with success

Many people only purchase their own apartment, or their own house, once in a lifetime. For this reason, special care and experience is required for making and implementing such essential decisions.

What should, in any event, be checked legally?

  • What does the land register status look like?
  • What encumbrances in the Land Register affect the property?
  • Are there any unregistered encumbrances, such as easements, etc.?
  • View the property extensively on site as well.
  • When purchasing a condominium: Check the condominium agreement, and also any resolutions already passed at the owners’ meetings.

If possible, choose your lawyer yourself. In any event, you should have the contract checked by a specialist in detail. The lawyer that you trust is a Member of the Trustee Association of the Austrian Bar Association. This guarantees maximum security for both contracting parties during the entire fulfilment of the contract, from signature right up to the title being registered.

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Law Articles - Practical tip: Securely carry out a property transaction in Austria with success