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Law Experts

Law Experts

Une prise en charge d’excellence, dans toute l’Autriche – Un réseau international d’avocats et d’experts.

Nos domaines de spécialité

Nos domaines de spécialité

Le droit ne connaît pas de frontières – Quelle que soit l’affaire qui vous (pré)occupe, votre cabinet d’avocats est à vos côtés.

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News Award Corporate Intl

Law Firm Law Experts wins Corporate INTL Magazine Legal Award 2014

Law Firm Law Experts was successfully chosen as ‘Litigation Lawyer of the Year in Austria’ by the Corporate INTL Magazine.

Being honored by the Corporate INTL Awards shows that Law Firm Law Experts has positioned itself at record speed as leading expert in various legal areas in the Austrian market.

The Corporate INTL Legal Awards recognise leading firms in their chosen specialism and reward excellence not only in expertise but also in service. After conducting extensive reviews, drawing insight from business leaders, advisers and investors throughout the world the winners of the awards are decided by a panel of respected and Chief Executives of international businesses.

Lawyer Wiesflecker - Innsbruck & Vienna | Austria - FR Law Firm Law Experts wins Corporate INTL Magazine Legal Award